Dems Waving Ukrainian Flags

Democratic representatives in the House joyously marked the approval of $95 billion in foreign aid over the weekend by brandishing Ukrainian flags. The aftermath of this unconventional and divisive gesture continues to unfold.

Across the aisle, Republican members observed as their Democratic counterparts erupted in cheers, chanting “Ukraine! Ukraine! Ukraine!” while enthusiastically waving the blue and yellow flags accompanying the $60 billion Ukraine aid bill’s passage.

The final vote on the bill was 101 Republicans voting ‘yea’ and 112 voting ‘nay,’ while all Democrats present voted for the Ukraine aid bill.

As reported by Fox News, “In a dramatic moment toward the end of the vote, Democrats began passing around Ukrainian flags — in violation of House protocol, according to the lawmaker presiding over the vote, Rep. Marc Molinaro. The left side of the aisle exploded in cheers when the timer on the vote reached zero, earning admonishment from Molinaro, who told them the flag-waving was in violation of the rules and called it ‘inappropriate,’ to which Democrats jeered.”

The House members celebrating the bill’s passage also shouted “Ukraine! Ukraine! Ukraine!”

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) expressed disdain for the bill’s passage.

“All Democrats waiving Ukrainian flags on your House floor when the bill passed sending another 60B of your treasure to fund the war machine,” Higgins remarked. “100% deficit money. Borrowed on the backs of your children. Wake up America.”

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) also remarked on the breach of House protocol.

“Ukrainian flags fly in the chamber of the UNITED STATES House of Representatives as they vote to send more of your hard-earned money to a corrupt foreign regime. And just like that they shout ‘UKRAINE! UKRAINE!’ while happily working to secure Ukraine’s borders, not ours,” the senator commented.

Senator Eric Schmitt (R-MO) reacted to the “Ukraine First” eruption on the House floor.

“Ukrainian flags fly as they chant Ukraine! Ukraine! in the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives,” the senator said. “America’s border isn’t secure but they voted to send tens of billions more to secure Ukraine’s. This is what Ukraine First, America Last looks like.”

There was further scathing criticism of the Democrats’ inappropriate display of unpatriotic behavior on the House floor.

“To recap: Yesterday, the US Congress approved $61 billion to protect Ukraine and $0.00 to protect the US border,” popular X commentator Catturd said.  “After the vote, they cheered and waved Ukraine flags and chanted ‘Ukraine Ukraine’.”

“Note – neither party has ever worked together to pass a bill to help Americans then euphorically waved USA flags,” he added.  “Afterwards, both parties ran to social media to mock tax paying US citizens for wanting our money spent here, then called tax paying US citizens who don’t want to fund every foreign war around the globe, isolationists, Putin Puppets, and every name in the book.”

“Calling these disgusting traitors ‘gutter trash’ is being too kind,” he added.

Conservative Jesse Kelley was even darker in his commentary.

“The French Revolution was an awful affair full of mob violence,” he said. “It’s nothing to celebrate. That said, I understand it much better now than I did years ago. People will remember these things when the troubles come. They will.”